Thursday, April 21, 2022

New dataset - Localized Vector Ruggedness Measure at 10 meter Scale for Nevada


I've made 10 meter VRML (localized Vector Ruggedness Measure) data available for download HERE.The new localized version of Vector Ruggedness removes some issues in which smooth ridgelines and smoother drainage ways might be confused. For example, the top left image shows the original VRM layer for a mountain range in southern Nevada and the lower left image shows VRML for approximately the same area. Note that the line features are very apparent in VRM but not so much in VRML. We plan to submit a paper on this approach in the upcoming weeks. For the 10 meter Nevada data I've used a 9 county tiling scheme in which smaller counties are merged with larger ones (see below).

Outside of Nevada the National Topographic Ruggedness Map for the conterminous USA at 90 meter scale using VRML is available by clicking HERE. A 30 meter dataset is available for the western USA on request.