2. In the search window type in *_01.img or something similar to filter out all of the January files. This will result in a whole slew of files, some that are the regular IMG file and others that XML files.
3. Hold down the shift key and select all of the files including the XML files and drag them into the ArcMap Table of Contents. One option that I recommend is to disable "make newly added layers visible" in ArcMap. To disable this go to Customize --> ArcMap Options --> General --> and uncheck "make newly added layers visible". This will make it quicker to load the layers in the Table of Contents in ArcMap without having to draw every layer.
4. The layers will now all be shown in the Table of Contents in ArcMap. The nice thing is that ArcMap knows not to try to add the XML file into the Table of Contents so you are left with just the image files.
5. Open the cell statistics tool from ArcToolbox and select the statistic that you wish to have calculated (e.g. SUM, MEAN, etc.). Shift select all of the layers that you want added and drag them in as input layers into the Cell Statistics tool.
The nice thing about this trick is that it is simple and requires no programming or Model Builder.