The Great Basin Landscape Ecology Lab now has two new masters students - Joe Brehm and Anna Knight. Joe's thesis is titled "Cheatgrass die-off in the Great Basin: A comparison of remote sensing detection methods and identification of environments favorable to die-off" and can be downloaded by clicking HERE. Anna's thesis is titled "Watershed-scale controls on riparian vegetation distribution and dynamics: Impacts of geomorphology, climate, and disturbance" and can be downloaded by clicking HERE. Great work Anna and Joe! I'd encourage you to take a look at their theses and any papers that result from them. Anna and Joe now both reside in Moab, Utah. Congratulations on work well done and best wishes for you in your new positions.
With this blog I intend to share GIS, remote sensing, and spatial analysis tips, experiences, and techniques with others. Most of my work is in the field of Landscape Ecology, so there is a focus on ecological applications. Postings include tips and suggestions for data processing and day-to-day GIS tasks, links to my GIS tools and approaches, and links to scientific papers that I've been involved in.